Questions will be sent to the various governing bodies and associations, with regards to ideas and inquiries generated by this site. We will send the questions and post all responses we recieve.

Please contact us with all your questions, and who you would like us to direct the questions to.

Q&A with Paul Devilliers, Federal Minister of Sport
...The CCA has not, however, submitted the SFAF eligibility or assessment documents that are required to qualify for support. I suggest, therefore, that you contact Dr. Geoff Edwards, President of the CCA, to share your concerns on the development of cricket in Canada.

Q&A with Dr. Geoff Edwards, President of the Canadian Cricket Association.
...Any objective person can see the strides that have been made. They could be better with positive support at all levels of course. I am not
personally important to the CCA. I never fantasized to be CCA President...

Part III: Q & A with Mr. Arvind Patel,

Quebec/Maritimes Representative, Selection Committee CCA. This is the third in a series of interviews between and the Selection Committee of the CCA.

Part II: Q & A with Mr. Mike Khan,

Ontario Representative, Selection Committee CCA. This is the second in a series of interviews between and the Selection Committee of the CCA.

Part I: Q & A with Mr. Karam Gopaulsingh,
Chairman, Selection Committee CCA. This is the first in a series of interviews between and the Selection Committee of the CCA.

Q&A with Daniel Rochon, Program Officer, Sport Canada.

04.04.02 (With Follow-up Questions 05.04.02)
Q&A with Howard Petrook, the man put in charge of finding a sponsor for Canadian Cricket.

The Search For the Missing Canada vs. Scotland Cassette

Q&A session with Mr. Errol Townshend, 2nd Vice-President, CCA.